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Many thanks for your interest on our popular 'Tasting Experience of Cyprus Wines' organized by: The Oak Tree Wine Cellar & Tasting Room.

You will get to taste 10+1 Cyprus quality wines: 1 rose dry or medium dry, 4 white dry, 4 red dry, 1 sweet wine Commandaria, 1 Cyprus spirit zivania or liqueur with description on each wine, food pairing suggestions, some history on Cyprus Wines.

The Wine Tasting costs euro 16.00/per person and usually has a duration of 60/90 minutes. Minimum 2 people* per participation, maximum 24-26 people.

*Single visitors/travelers wishing to attend our wine tasting can do so, provided they can join visitors of other bookings on any of our 2 daily wine tasting sessions. Contact us for more info on this.

We have our Wine Tastings available: Monday - Saturday.
( We stop Mid December for the season, we resume January 20th)

we have 2 starting times: 5:00 PM, 7:00 PM.

For 2-3 people interested in attending, no need to book ahead, just walk-in any of the above starting hours. For more than 3-4 people coming, is better you let us know the day/time/number of people wish to attend so we reserve seats on our 2 wine tasting tables. Walk-in and make your booking or call or e mail us.

Optional, with euro 14.00, we can prepare small cheese platters, each platter plenty for 2-3 people.

After the wine tasting, you can order full glass of the wines you liked most during the tasting, prices per glass vary depending on the wines.

All wines offered during the wine tasting are available for sale in our retail store next to our tasting room, we also ship wines all over the world* using the Cyprus Postal Services. We will need your full delivery address details.

*For the dispatch of Cyprus Wines to non- EU countries, like U.K, U.S.A, Australia, we exclude our local VAT Tax 19% from the value of the wines. Some import duties may apply upon arrival of the wines to their destination.

See you all soon!

The Oak Tree Wine Cellar & Tasting Room.
9 George Drousiotis street, 6021 Larnaca
Tel: 00357-99627037
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